Do you ever feel like your hair isn’t retaining as much moisture as you’d like?
Well, thankfully there are certain oils your hair could use to promote healthier more hydrated curls and they’re closer than you think!
That’s right, we aren’t talking about running out to your nearest beauty supply store and breaking the bank for another product. Instead, try natural oils that can sometimes be found right in your pantry.
With the temperatures dropping try adding natural oils into your hair care routine to boost hydration and fight frizz. Keep scrolling for the seven oils, that you probably already have in your kitchen, that will keep your natural hair super moisturized this fall.
Olive Oil
Have you ever struggled with extra flakey scalp or just want to add massive amounts of moisture to your hair in one setting? Try adding some olive iil to your routine. Pour some into your favorite hair mask or use olive oil as an hot oil treatment by sitting under a hooded dryer.
Grape Seed Oil
Grapeseed oil is perfect for sealing split ends and fighting off dandruff. It is also great for achieving shiny, strong hair because it possesses the natural antioxidant Vitamin E to build fuller hair follicles and tissues.
Castor Oil
Curly girls love to use castor oil on their hair to boost hydration, but did you know there are tons of other benefits? You can also use castor oil for it’s natural antibacterial properties and to combat thinning spots. Rub a bit on your edges (or even eyebrows!) to stimulate hair growth.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has become all the rage in the natural health care community, and for good reason, you can use it for practically anything, especially your hair. The fatty acids naturally remove build up, hold moisture, and nourish the scalp.
Carrot Oil
Reverse the damage from chemical or color treatments with the addition of carrot oil into your conditioner or styling routine. Cooking with carrot seed oil can also strengthen your hair and promote hair growth from the inside out.
Tea Tree Oil
Clarify your scalp and hair to create an environment for hair growth with tea tree oil. Place a couple drops directly onto your scalp or add into your cleansing routine to rid your hair of buildup.
Avocado Oil
During the fall hair can become dry while adjusting to the seasons cooler temperature. Restore dry, brittle hair by massaging avocado oil onto strands.