Do you enjoy long walks down the beauty supply store or grocery store isle for your hair products? Nowadays, hair products are no longer confined to store bought items. You can whip up a few products with food-based items in the comfort of your own kitchen! Occasionally, you’ll find me making a few homemade products that my hair loves. It’s true, the Beauty Supply store shopper, within me, kicks-in when I need to pick up or try a new product.
Going to the beauty supply store has it’s perks as the products are already made and I’m more likely to find consumer reviews online. The down side, sadly, is having to rely on stores to replenish their stock and you’re always at the mercy of companies changing their ingredients! It can be frustrating! Not to mention, it can get pricey if you’re not careful.
Being a kitchen beautician has its benefits too. You are the creator of your products; therefore, you know exactly what’s in it. The ingredients are pure and natural, you can have fun and be creative with different mixtures in its purest form, and your products are exclusive to you and your hair care needs that you may not find in stores. It takes no time at all to whip up a protein conditioner mixed with eggs, avocado oil, yogurt and coconut milk. Unfortunately, the ingredients can go rancid fairly quickly if not used in one sitting. Kitchen beauticians must consider storage space in the refrigerator for products, labeling etc. It can be quite time consuming to get the “right” mixture of ingredients for your hair. It’s all about trial and error. I think it’s good to be a balance of both in your hair journey. I think you shouldn’t have to necessarily rely on one source to obtain products for your hair as you could be depriving your hair of great solutions.
I think I’m a little bit of both when I want to be. I think it’s beneficial to be open to alternative ways to meet your hair care needs, whether that means scoping out the isles in the beauty supply store or grocery store too!

Are you a kitchen beautician, beauty store shopper or little bit of both?