Women feel their hair is dirtier due to increased sweat on their scalp, so we over-shampoo. Clarifying shampoos cleanse the hair, but also strip it of moisture and natural oils. As you may know, stripping the hair without replenishing the moisture can lead to breakage. Try alternating between using shampoo and co-washing. If you use shampoo, focus mainly on the scalp and allow the shampoo to naturally run down the strands to catch product build up and dirt. Whenever you go for a swim, lightly apply conditioner from roots to ends before jumping in the pool or ocean; the conditioner seals the hair’s cuticle, creating a protective barrier.
Many women don’t make the proper adjustments necessary to maintain their tresses in the dry and humid weather. If your hair is feeling more brittle than normal, deep condition your hair twice as often and apply more moisturizer after washing. Analyze your regimen and see what must be adjusted to fit your new hair care needs.
Don’t fail to protect your hair from the sun. In the summer, the sun is constantly beating down on your strands so you must find a way to protect them. The next time you’re at a baseball game or picnic, wear a hat, protective style or use an umbrella as a wall between your hair and the sun.
Chime Edwards is an extremely popular YouTube vlogger with over 145,000 subscribers. Chime was also featured in Nikki Walton’s (Curly Nikki) book, ‘Better Than Good Hair.’