Did you know a simple massage could increase growth? Simply massage your scalp for 30 seconds to a minute. This helps open up blood vessels and increase blood circulation which will deliver oxygen and essential nutrients to the hair follicles. This enables healthy hair growth.
Vodka isn’t only reserved for the turn up—it can actually encourage hair growth. There is a scalp stimulator recipe that combines two teaspoons of vodka, 5 drops of lavender, chamomile and rosemary oil with one tablespoon of distilled water. This mixture is then massaged into the scalp to kill germs and open up the hair follicles to encourage hair growth.
Taking biotin or a dietary supplement that contains biotin can significantly contribute to growth during your transition. Biotin is vital to cell proliferation making it an effective tool for hair growth. Biotin also renews the follicles and roots of the hairs that are already growing which will result in thicker, fuller and healthier hair.
Chime Edwards is an extremely popular YouTube vlogger with over 145,000 subscribers. Chime was also featured in Nikki Walton’s (Curly Nikki) book, ‘Better Than Good Hair.’