Black women are refusing to have their bodies policed. Although body positivity was created in the 1960s, recently, the movement has become incredibly popular on social media, with 11.5 million posts in counting with the hashtag #bodypositivity. A 2019 study on body positivity describes the term as promoting acceptance of all body shapes, sizes, genders, and skin tones, aiming to challenge societal appearance standards. Despite what others may say, Black women of all shapes and sizes choose to celebrate their marginalized bodies and differences today.
Some Black women are no longer concerned with adhering to white beauty aesthetics and are embracing their natural bodies. In doing so, they inspire their loyal followers, fans, and audiences to accept and proudly own every part of their personhood. Learn about the women showing up for themselves by loving their skin unapologetically and inspiring others to do the same below. It’s important to note that not all influencers below may identify with today’s body positivity movement.
Lizzo is the queen of body positivity and acceptance. She unapologetically is vocal about loving her body and doesn’t care who doesn’t appreciate her appearance.
Lauren Leavell
Lauren Leavell is a NASM-certified personal trainer and body liberation advocate who understands that fitness should be inclusive. In 2017 Leavell made her way into the wellness space and has built her brand on helping people move their bodies and find their emotional zen.
Kellie Brown
Lifestyle maven Kellie Brown of It’s Me Kellie B shares more than just body positivity with her 100K+ followers on Instagram, as she’s interested in fashion, home decor, and fabulous aesthetics. Her content, including her fashion line (And I Get Dressed and her #FatAtFashionWeek series), celebrates Black women’s autonomy, freedom, and power in larger bodies.
Simone Mariposa
Simone doesn’t shy away from using the term “fat” to describe herself. As a popular influencer on Instagram, she promotes body positivity content that inspires other women who look like her to live their best lives without fear of being judged. She also advocates for plus-sized Black women to receive the same treatment as their counterparts in all aspects of their lives. Mariposa wants you to remember that she’s not your fetish.
Tiffany Ima
Tiffany Ima is a body confidence coach and wellness content creator who challenges followers to think differently about their bodies. She encourages her followers to be confident and feel good about themselves no matter what a number on the scale says.
Stephanie Yeboah
If you’re into fashion and fitness, following Yeboah is a great idea.
Jessamyn Stanley
Coined the “Beyonce of Yoga,” you’ve likely seen Jessamyn Stanley in national campaigns for Gatorade, Peloton, and more. She’s about showing how people like her can enjoy yoga and other fitness mediums.
Chrissy King

Founder of The Body Liberation Project 2023, King is a body positivity enthusiast, trainer, and life coach.
Her new book brings an exciting, genre-redefining narrative mix of memoir, inspiration, and specific exercises and prompts, weaving in urgent, timely messages about social and racial justice and how they intersect with the fitness and wellness community.