This story appears in the March/April issue of ESSENCE, on newsstands now.
Let’s get it together. This month’s Mercury in retrograde is in the sign of Taurus, and it makes its way there on April 7. Some of you may feel as if you are approaching a troublesome period. Don’t let this discourage you from seeing all the progress you have made so far and the opportunities to advance even more. Hardships are just part of the game, but how we choose to handle them gives us the win. Use the solar eclipse on April 20 to start focusing on upcoming adventures.
(March 21 to April 19)
Time to party like no one is watching. This birthday, you have a lot of wins to celebrate with the ones who have had your back. The victory lap you have been anticipating is finally here, and now you need to live it up. This solar eclipse in your sign is giving you the energy to bring all the good vibes your way!
(December 22 to January 19)
Keep away from any new business endeavors. You might hit a dry spell with Lady Luck, so use this time to invest in other areas. Do you remember how carefree you used to feel playing on your latest PS3? Take a moment to be a kid again. Join some community gaming rooms and mingle with fun-loving people.
(January 20 to February 18)
Negotiating might not be your best option right now. If you sign any new contracts, make sure to double-check the fine print. Deception is often found in the documentation. Without proper representation, you may find yourself tied up in a loophole that is not easy to get out of. Create a five-year plan of success, and patiently wait for your opportunity.
(February 19 to March 20)
Have you been feeling stagnant creatively? Get ready to redecorate! The time to reorganize your life is now. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? What do you want to accomplish in the next two years? Write down some of your short-term and long-term goals. Don’t be overwhelmed by the possibilities!
(April 20 to May 20)
Someone has been trying to reach you to have that conversation you’ve been avoiding. Your reaction to this talk could determine your future business endeavors. Use this time to enjoy some of your favorite R&B slow jams and invest in quality time with yourself. You’ll require positive energy for deep discussions that will help mold you in the future.
(May 21 to June 21)
Thoughts have been racing through your head lately, but communication with those you love has been more difficult than ever. Try to step outside of your comfort zone and fully embrace some of the ideologies you come across. Different spiritual practices and new moral standards may start to surface.
(June 22 to July 21)
An old beau has caught your attention, and you may feel tempted to go back. Your intuition is not wrong. Accept that being compassionate does not mean you have to return to things that did not serve you. Being vulnerable gives us the ability to reflect and grow into better people.
(July 22 to August 22)
Be prepared to do less planning; know that the necessities of life will find you. Once you release control over the things you cannot change, you will discover a tremendous amount of peace. It is okay to accept others’ ideology instead of being stagnant in your own way of thinking. Be open to receive more blessings.
(August 23 to September 21)
Have you been taking your well-being seriously lately? How many days in the week do you dedicate to making conscious health decisions? Exercise is your best friend, and it has missed you. Time to level up.
(September 22 to October 22)
Passionate nights await you. Light some incense and dip your toes in a bubble bath. Sit back and watch your favorite rom-com on Netflix. Share memories with your lover, the one you’ve been spending too little time with because of work. You deserve to feel at ease.
(October 23 to November 21)
You are the best friend anyone could wish for. There is nothing wrong with being a cheerleader for those you love; they deserve your complete support. But also try being more open with yourself. There is strength in vulnerability.
(November 22 to December 21)
It is raining money! All the gathering and saving you’ve been doing for months has finally paid off. You have been making investments toward your future, and more work opportunities are heading your way. Money makes the world go round—and you have the funds to get on the ride. Spend your April intentionally planning your next move to get an even bigger bag than the one you got!