Thank you, next. Get out your calendar and start marking the days. On August 23, Mercury goes into retrograde in Virgo until September 15, and Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus on August 28. Don’t panic: This only means it’s time to toss out conventional approaches toward your health and start reviewing your self-talk. We can be our own worst enemies, so make this the month you eliminate the habits that are stopping you from reaching the highest peak of personal success.
(July 22 to August 22)
You may need to check your credit card statements: You could have been spending too much on eating out or ordering in. Experiment with a change of pace as you plan for more home-cooked meals. Focusing on meal prep can make things easier.
(January 20 to February 18)
Being self-critical can seem like the easy way to go—but measuring yourself against others does you no good in the long run. Remember that comparison is the thief of happiness. Rel- ish your uniqueness, and focus on the qualities that make you who you are.
(February 19 to March 20)
Forget about following your normal pattern. You’ve become way too regimented with your schedule and your eating habits. You need to relax—and perhaps enjoy a few deli- cious cocktails or take a well-deserved vacation. Try doing things outside your com- fort zone for a change. Go zip-lining, or take a scuba-diving class. The learning process can be entertaining!
(March 21 to April 19)
Recent exposure to new ideas has you thinking about investing in ventures that will generate money while you sleep. Stocks and bonds have been on your mind lately, but you don’t know where to start. Good self-help books and informative websites are great resources to get things up and running. Go for what you want.
(April 20 to May 20)
Love may have been elusive, and you are starting to wonder if that relationship you long for is around the corner. Getting out and mingling is the key to making the right connection. Start by joining some hobby clubs to meet fresh faces. Go to a brunch party on a random Sunday and find new people to hang with. Become the social butterfly we know you can be.
(May 21 to June 21)
Have your old habits produced negative results these past couple of months? Whether you’re struggling with your weight goals or seeking the right crowd to be around, something feels a little off. Maybe you’re hungry for change and need to expand your horizons. Go to a paint-and-sip event, and socialize with unfamiliar faces.
(June 22 to July 21)
Working out may not be much fun, but it is essential. Exercising does not have to involve a hot gym and those heavy weights. Have you considered taking a dance class or jumping rope? What about a mile walk? The important thing is to get moving!
(August 23 to September 21)
It’s your birthday, and you want to relax. You’ve accomplished so much this year that you haven’t celebrated. Yes, you have followed other people’s vacation ideas—but not yours. It might be time for that luxury solo trip you’ve been saving for. Go! Meet life with gusto.
(September 22 to October 22)
Your friends have been reaching out, but you keep missing their calls because of your hectic schedule. Work has been your priority, but now you must make room for more exciting experiences. Get your dose of dopamine from an adventurous outing with your pals.
(October 23 to November 21)
Have you gone after everything you want in life? You fear rejection but fail to realize that you are the prize. Try to overcome that self-doubt through journaling because the negativity is not serving you. Seek to heal those past traumas that keep you from opening up.
(November 22 to December 21)
You did the work. You made the sacrifice. You put in the blood, sweat, and tears to attain your goals. The fight is over! You can put down the armor now and rest. Now that you’re victorious allow others to applaud you as you congratulate yourself. Let the world chant your name.
(December 22 to January 19)
You have been getting too easily worked up these past few months. Searching for your Zen is mandatory for the sake of your current and future relationships. Achieving inner peace starts with the heart and mind. Have you thought about yoga or Pilates? If such health-giving activities have fallen by the wayside, find a work- out buddy and get back to practicing again!