Doja Cat has been dominating headlines lately for different reasons, but the most recent is over a series of cosmetic procedures she had. The music artist, who is typically open about her life, shared that she’s recovering from liposuction and a breast reduction procedure.
“4 days into recovery right now,” the 27-year-old star tweeted out to fans.
In 2021, over 491,000 liposuction procedures took place in the United States, making it a relatively common procedure.
“Feels ok,” she wrote, saying, “I got lipo so my thighs hurt a lot if I move too much. but I’m healing really fast.” A fan responded to her tweet asking for clarification about what exactly lipo is. Another fan attempted to answer the question, stating that it’s when you transfer fat from one area to another. The rapper and singer quickly interjected to clear that up, addressing both Twitter users in two separate tweets.
“Lipo is when fat is transferred from 1 area to another,” she responded. In the follow-up tweet, she wrote, “No it is not, dear. That is called a fat transfer. I did not get a fat transfer.”
In addition to having liposuction, Doja also shared that she had her breasts reduced to a size 32C.
“Wish i could suck my own [boobs] thats how good they look rn god damn,” she joked.
Back in November, she shared some thoughts with fans about wanting to change her breasts. “I just want my titties pulled up cuz some of my tops don’t fit the way i want them to,” she said. With that in mind, the news of her breast reduction doesn’t come as a major surprise.
The “Get Into It” singer has also always been open about any health challenges or surgeries she’s undergoing. In July, she shared that she underwent two surgeries on her tonsils after an abscess formed on her left one. she also told Cosmopolitan Middle East that she dealt with body dysmorphia for some time. It’s a mental health condition where you have nonstop thoughts about perceived flaws or issues with your body.
“Growing up, I definitely had body dysmorphia. Without a doubt. And I’ve had it since,” she said in 2020. “It started in my teens, which I think is where it starts for a lot of people. I started really growing and I never really thought I looked good in a lot of the stuff I wore.”
She was able to show her figure more love while working on her hit song, “Juicy.”
“I feel like that song was therapeutic for me. I kind of made it for myself – well, the meaning behind it, at least. I was kind of doing it for my own happiness and I feel like other people can definitely pull some joy from that, too,” she shared. “Now, I just try to focus on eating well, but I definitely still struggle with body dysmorphia a bit now. But I think that’s to be completely expected when there’s all these phones in your face, right?”
The star has since lost weight in the public eye, which has led to discussions about it that she’s rightfully not interested in having with strangers. As she made clear to those with comments about it, “you think it’s your place to speak when it’s literally my f—ing choice to eat more healthy and work out. I’m really f—ing sick and tired of y’all talking about my body.”
“I used to be thicc and that’s forever going to be your problem. Your problem. Not mine,” she added at the time. “So you can keep suffering about how my body looks because, b—h, I’m living my best life. I’m happy.”