The power of prayer has continued to keep our community moving forward. Adopt these wise words from iconic Black women.
“Father, Mother, God, THANK YOU for your presence during the hard and mean days. For then we have you to lean upon. THANK YOU for your presence during the bright and sunny days. For then we can share that which we have with those who have less. “
“Help us to be mindful that we are not alone. When we need wisdom, we need only to ask for it. You have promised to bestow it liberally.… Teach us to know that if we are to be successful stewards, we must be your servants.”
—Barbara Jordan
“Oh, Lord! You’ve been with me in six troubles. Don’t desert me in the seventh! “
“Father, we call Thee Father because we love Thee. We are glad to be called Thy children, and to dedicate our lives to the service that extends through willing hearts and hands to the betterment of all mankind…. Grant us strength and courage and faith and humility sufficient for the tasks assigned to us.”
“Open your heart and quietly to yourself say the only prayer that’s ever needed: Thank you, thank you, thank you. You’re still here. You get another chance this day to do better and be better, another chance to become more of who you were created and what you’re created to fulfill. Thank you. Amen.”