“It’s been a year since my 17-year-old son Trayvon was shot and killed,” writes Sybrina Fulton in a special online post. “Sometimes, just to get through a moment, I imagine instead that he’s away on vacation. Losing a child, especially a minor, is just an awful feeling.”
The tragic killing of Trayvon Martin left us all devastated and asking ourselves what we could do to better protect our children from senseless gun violence. It happened again on that unforgettable morning of December 14, 2012, when we heard about the Newtown school shootings.
We’ve heard the experts and government officials offer their solutions. But as history has shown us, real change happens when everyday people take a stand. So, the editors of ESSENCE, All You, Health and Real Simple are asking you, the reader, the mom, the dad, to share your ideas on how we can make a collective change to better our communities.
Make One Simple Change is a new online initiative that invites people from across the country to share their solutions for keeping America’s children safe.
What is your one simple solution?
Log on to the Make One Simple Change forum by April 20, 2103, and share your thoughts with us, or tweet your idea with the hashtag #1SimpleChange. Editors will choose the six submissions they feel best represent the community. Six readers with the most inspirational ideas will be flown to New York City to meet editors and and experts.
Make your voice heard now.