While most of us will enjoy the energy that the solar eclipse in Scorpio provides for the next four months, the last weeks of Mercury being in retrograde in Capricorn will linger through January. With Mars also being in retrograde in -Gemini until January 12, things may seem overwhelming. We must be mindful of our tone with those we love. Intense discussions will challenge us to let go of meaningless feuds and reach for a deeper understanding of one another.
(March 21 to April 19)
Did you leave things on a bad note with someone? The energy around you will lead you to break down those barriers; you’ll rethink how you let others define you and how you share your joy with the world. Try manifesting what you truly want out of life by writing it down.
(November 22 to December 21)
Healthy relationships require difficult conversations, so evaluate how you handle conflict with those closest to you. To help clear the air, go on a date with your partner, socialize with family and friends or opt for a new activity that will give your mind a creative reset.
(July 22 to August 22)
Breathe! Now is the perfect time to focus on inner healing, by journaling, hiking or attending social gatherings with loved ones. Being around people who care about you will provide clarity and ease the doubt that you’ve been struggling with.
(April 20 to May 20)
Why have you been denying yourself life’s simple pleasures? Instead, try focusing on how to use your resources. Consider everything that keeps you balanced and makes you the individual you are. You may want to start patronizing new restaurants and trying activities that will get you out of your comfort zone.
(October 23 to November 21)
Your limits aren’t negotiable. This time will force you to set clear boundaries and show you how to let loved ones into your life. Being more outgoing will spark creativity and allow you to reveal your lighter side.
(February 19 to March 20)
Look at you handling conflict like a pro. The balance that you have discovered recently will help guide you, so long as you continue to be concise and level-headed and avoid being triggered. Your reward will be fresh opportunities that ensure monetary success.
(September 22 to October 22)
It’s time to practice acceptance. As truths are revealed, you will need to release expectations that you have kept well hidden. You’ll be surprised by the doors of love, family connection and success waiting to be opened.
(June 22 to July 21)
Human connection is what brings us together. While things being out of our control has never sat well with you, now is the time to concentrate on the joys and possibilities that flow to you naturally. Music, food, dancing and friends will be your safe spaces.
(May 21 to June 21)
Your impulses will be put to the test, and that might set off your temper. Remember that not every conflict has to end in severed ties—this is the most important lesson this time can teach you. Finding a new hobby will be a great outlet to redirect any pent-up aggression.
(December 22 to January 19)
You’re starting to see how you come off to others—and you aren’t liking it. Try to remain calm during intense conversations related to business and family. Your career has only just begun, but it’s important to replenish yourself. Take some time to meditate and embrace the outdoors to get your mind back on track.
(August 23 to September 21)
Life has been showing you that the old version of yourself is not aligned with the person you aspire to be. Start by reevaluating the people who influence your everyday decisions, and broaden your mind with new books and creative outlets.
(January 20 to February 18)
Trust the process as you embark on a journey of self-discovery. Don’t let your temper cause this bright new path to turn into a dead end. Try binge-watching your favorite shows or reading a new book. This will give you a much-needed break.