Moving into a new apartment conjures up several emotions — excitement, gratitude, nerves and even frustration. In planning for the new home that I am currently manifesting and claiming (Amen? Amen), my mind keeps going back to decor and how I can make a statement.
Weirdly enough, the voice of “Buggin’ Out” from Spike Lee’s Do The Right Thing keeps urging me to make sure I “get some Black people up on these walls.” And you know what? He’s right. I’ve decided to oblige by adorning my walls with Black paintings and works only.
We know there’s a bevy of artists to choose from because Black people and art are one and the same. While I can’t include everyone on my list, I thought it only fair to share some talented creators that I’m looking towards to make my house a home.If your home needs a new influx of melanated masterpieces, shop these dope artists below!