Singer Fantasia and husband Kendall Taylor decided to share a first look at their 3-month-old daughter Keziah London Taylor and fans are smitten with their baby girl.
Keziah made her big debut on her own Instagram page on Tuesday. The Cuties Baby Care endorsed tot, all dressed up with nowhere to go but to get her milk, was introduced with the caption, “Finally! Mommy and Daddy Let Me Come Out And Play.” After that, more and more adorable images and videos of Keziah were shared, including on the pages of her mom and dad. Their daughter joins her older siblings, Dallas, 9, and Zion, 20, from past relationships of Fantasia’s, and Kendall’s son, Trey, who is in his mid-20s.
She seems to be growing well and is surrounded by a lot of love! Keziah’s beginnings weren’t as carefree, though. When Fantasia was just six months along in her pregnancy, she started to experience contractions and had to enter into the hospital. “My baby girl thinks she’s missing something out here, but she’s got to stay in here a little longer,” the singer said when sharing the news of her hospitalization in April. She was released soon after.
Keziah would eventually be delivered early, born May 23, and have to stay in the NICU for about a month. But those scary moments were all worth it for the couple, who after struggling to conceive for some time and being told Fantasia wouldn’t be able to do make it happen naturally, welcomed their miracle baby after leaning on their faith.
“This is a three-year journey that we’re on,” she said on The Tamron Hall show late last year. “We said let God be God and we’re going to sit back and see what happens. And truly…I kid you not, I forgot about it. I stopped following the tracker…I was just like ‘Forget it!’ And then I woke up one night and when I was like, ‘something’s different.’ I took the test. I took six tests! I threw the test at him I was so excited.”
“I strictly heard God tell me that He was going to make this happen,” Kendall added. “I remember sitting in that office and my wife and the doctor are going through all these scenarios and I’m sitting back. I just remember saying, ‘I just don’t feel like that’s our way. I’m telling you it’s going to happen naturally,’ and I stood on that.
He added, “It just increased our faith even more.”
As mentioned, Keziah is Fantasia and Kendall’s first child together. The pair married in 2015.