Bishop T.D. Jakes is on the road to recovery.
On Sunday, while delivering a sermon at The Potter’s House in Dallas, the renowned evangelist suffered a medical crisis. The incident was captured during the church’s livestream, and as it happened, with the seated bishop’s words slowing down and him dropping the microphone, he was surrounded by his team, who instructed the congregation to pray. Medical personnel were called. But according to the Potter’s House, following the scary moment, he’s doing good.
“During today’s service Bishop T.D. Jakes experienced a slight health incident and received immediate medical attention following his powerful hour long message,” the message, issued on November 24 noted. “Bishop Jakes is stable and under the care of medical professionals. The entire Potter’s House family is grateful for the outpouring of love, prayers, and support from the community. Thank you for your understanding and continued prayers.”
In addition to a message from the megachurch, the bishop’s daughter, Sarah Jakes Roberts, and her husband, Toure’ Roberts, both pastors, also shared a video message updating followers of how the beloved figure is doing and to say thank you for the outpouring of love.
“We want to thank you first of all for your prayers, your concern, your support, it’s truly been a blessing,” she shared. She said that he’s doing well, with Toure’ saying he’s already on the move again.
“We’re trying to get him to sit down. He’s the strong Bishop that we know,” he said. “But we really can’t thank you enough for your prayers, for your intercession, for all your kind words.”
In addition to telling everyone to continue praying for Bishop Jakes and keep sharing encouraging words, Sarah, also highlighted how the experience, ahead of the holiday season, was a reminder to be thankful for your people.
“I’m so grateful that he’s already beginning to improve. I think it’s just a reminder even going into this holiday season, we need to love on the people you hold near and dear and just take the time to be grateful for all the people God’s given you.”
We’re hoping for a continued speedy recovery for Bishop Jakes.