We already knew that Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s oldest daughter, Blue Ivy, was a girl of many talents. In addition to her dance skills and budding reputation as a style queen, she also knows a thing or two about science!
Thanks to her grandma Tina Knowles, we got to see an adorable video of Blue’s at-home science experiment which demonstrates the importance of washing your hands to prevent the spread of coronavirus. “Hey y’all,” she says, narrating the video. “And since we’re stuck at home, I have this little DIY experiment that you can do at home too.”
Blue’s set up is simple. Using a bowl filled with a mixture of soaps and another bowl with peppered water, the eight-year-old shows how effective soap is at killing germs that contain viruses. In one swoop, she dips her index finger in the soap, then into the water which causes the specks of pepper to disperse. “This is why it’s very important to wash your hands,” she says. “If you wash your hands, they will stay clean. But if you keep your hands dirty, you might get sick.”
This same handwashing experiment first went viral after being posted by Amanda Lorenzo, a pre-kindergarten teacher from Miami who says she found this trick on TikTok. According to the CDC, handwashing is paramount in helping curb the spread of coronavirus. Their current recommendation is to wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Thanks, Blue, for showing us how it’s done!