Who knew two people could make an elevator look this hot?!
Boris Kodjoe and Nicole Ari Parker returned to the actress’ hometown of Baltimore to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the
Baltimore Times at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum.
Before they mixed and mingled with the party’s attendees, the couple took a private moment to take an elevator selfie to show off their evening threads.
“#ElevatorSelfieSunday On our way to the 30th anniversary celebration of the Baltimore Times. A family run business for three decades the BT has served Baltimore by empowering vibrant inner-city life and immortalizing the achievements and events of a people who were often depicted through negative imagery via the media. Thank you, Joy and Peter Bramble, being the stitching in the fabric of your community. We love you. #BaltimoreTimes #NikkiParkerHomeTown #BmoreStrong,” Boris captioned a photo of he and his wife of 11 years.
The evening included many siting of black love as the couple joined Marilyn Mosby the State’s Attorney for Baltimore City along with her husband Nick J. Mosby, Baltimore City Councilman for a night to honor Nicole’s aunt and uncle Joy and Peter Bramble, who founded the paper.
“Celebrating 30th Anniversary of The Baltimore Times. The city Newspaper started by my auntie#JoyBramble #BaltimoreStrong
#community #givingback#30yearsofExcellence A great night with States Atty @marilynmosbyesq and her husband councilman @nick.mosby,” she shared.