It’s time to claim the love you deserve, ladies!
Without a doubt, we must be intentional about seeking and finding a partner in this life. In my 12+ years writing about love and marriage, I’ve heard (and shared) thousands of love stories. And, you want to know a secret? Some of my favorites began with a simple prayer for the right partner. Not a dating app. Not a hookup. Not a chance encounter. A simple prayer of intention.
As we begin a new year, it’s important to remember the power of prayer and what it can do to enrich and better your quality of life. If you’re single and looking for the love of your life in 2018, have you considered being more intentional with your prayers? To help you get started, I asked renowned certified life coach, Girlfriends Pray Inc. founder and author of new book Dear Black Man, We Love You: 5 Things You Need to Know and Do To Win Dee C. Marshall to create a special prayer just for you.
But first, be sure to get your mind right. “To position yourself for the man you’ve been waiting for stay positive, speak as if he’s already here and get ready,” Marshall advises. “Jealousy and envy will block your blessing. Pray for the relationship you admire from afar.” Amen. Are you ready to claim the love you crave? Add this prayer into your rotation in 2018.
Dear God,
I come to you in this season with a prayer for the love of my life. Your word says we are to come boldly before the throne (Hebrews 4:16) so I come bold and unashamed.
Lord my heart is to be in a healthy, loving, committed relationship with the man You have for me. I want Your best for me and often struggle with waiting. God, I refuse to allow time to discourage me this holiday. I am encouraged, and I choose to believe You are preparing me to receive him now. So I shift my mind, my heart and my attitude to a place of gratitude and hope for what is to come.
God, move me out of my way and out of Your way so he can make his way to me.
If there’s any unresolved issue with a previous relationship, please release me from negative energy or divorce residue that may be blocking my love.
Guide my thoughts so doubt can’t creep in. Control my words from speaking doubt that I will never find love or be married.
Prepare my heart and spirit to be a soft place for him to land.
Help me Lord to be content and not make any rash decisions or jump into toxic, abusive or an adulterous relationships. Please give me self-control this season.
Your word says we have not because we have not asked. I’ve clarified my list of all the things I want him to be and allow me to have just as much to offer him. I want to be an asset and not a liability like that Proverbs 31 woman.
I pray now for my beloved wherever this man might be. Bless him; give him favor wherever he’s going. Draw him closer to You in this season. Remove any feelings of overwhelm. Protect his heart and mind from any loneliness or signs of depression. Resolve estranged relationships that may be concerning him. Secure his home, job, finances and other things that consume his thoughts and amplify his manhood.
Bless every person that may come near him. I pray his circle is of positive people who are loving and kind, givers and not takers. I trust in the name of Jesus you are well able to orchestrate bringing us together. I trust You, God, and surrender this prayer in faith on behalf of my yummy honey. In Jesus Name. Amen