Her Leading Man: Carl Edward Quash Abbott, 34, Training and Development Manager
The Big Day: October 20, 2012
How did you meet your man?
In the midst of a great summer in Atlanta, we were both invited to a dinner meeting for a non-profit organization. I arrived first and was already seated and engaged in conversation when Carl arrived. I couldn’t help but notice Carl as he approached the table and was introduced, but decided to “wait and see” what would happen, since I knew we’d likely run into each other again. After the event, I noticed Carl’s name on the follow-up e-mails and thought it was a coincidence that he also worked in the pharmaceutical industry. About a month later, Carl attended the wedding of a good friend and at the reception was relegated to the “single persons table.” He ended up in a conversation with a woman he knew casually and asked her if she had any single friends in Atlanta that she could set him up with. She said she knew just the person — one of her really good friends. After another friend of Carl’s gave the green light (because he had met me before), and the plan to devise a set up proceeded.
Tell us about your first date.
When we decided to meet, we had a bit of a challenge juggling our super busy Saturday schedules, but finally decided on brunch. We picked the Cheesecake Factory, a place that we later realized was not a huge favorite for either of us. I arrived late (a bad trait that I have) and Carl was waiting on a bench outside the restaurant. As I approached, he had a big smile on his face, so I knew he was pleased with the set up. We went inside for lunch and had a great time. We talked and laughed as though we had known each other forever.
What was your first impression of him?
I love tall guys and he is truly that (6ft 5)! I noticed first that he was really handsome and well dressed. I felt at ease with him. I was instantly comfortable and felt confident that this was going somewhere.
When did you know he was ‘The One’?
I think I knew after that first date, it was just something different about Carl and more importantly my reaction to our interactions. In fact, I had a date the next day that I could barely get through because I had such a good time with Carl. I remember telling my best friend, “Now, I’m not going to say anything definitive just yet, but barring any craziness popping up, this could be something really special.”