Bride: Vecoya Greene, 29, Staistician; Founder of Love the Hair You Wear
Groom: Eugene Banks, 30, Educator; Co-Founder of Competitive By Nature
The Big Day: 7/8/17
Location: Fort Washington, Maryland
Style/Theme: DIY
“I knew he was the one early into us dating because when we are around each other nothing else matters. One Saturday we were chilling at his house, we ate breakfast that morning then sat and talked at his kitchen table for hours! We joked about guessing what time it was because I didn’t have my phone near and the clock on his oven was broken. It turns out it was 2 o’clock in the afternoon. We were able to talk without a TV or phone to distract us for all that time. Furthermore, I wasn’t even concerned about anything else but our conversation. I knew then that this was different and special!”