For every kid to wear bread bags on their feet, we first gotta make sure families can afford 2 loaves of bread. #SOTU pic.twitter.com/jSgGUZWp9R
— Spike (@loudspike) January 21, 2015
BREAKING: Nike announces new “Air Ernst” shoe line. #SOTU #Breadbags pic.twitter.com/5dIYlrHnim
— Howard Camerik (@HowardCamerik) January 21, 2015
The Free Tuition Meme
President Obama repeated his plans to offer two free years of community college to America’s students. Twitter got really excited about that.
That’s why I am sending this Congress a bold new plan to lower the cost of community college…… To zero. pic.twitter.com/HGgAd3lmPh
— Tristan (@AyoTristan) January 21, 2015
The Biden meme
Twitter had nothing but love for Vice President Joe Biden’s enthusiastic facial expressions during the State of the Union.
The Boener memes From his stoney facial expression to his slightly orange hue, Boehner was the butt of many jokes during the SOTU.
Paid maternity leave? #SOTU pic.twitter.com/hYyoBoUTlA
— Peter Staley (@peterstaley) January 21, 2015
you guys, you guys! Funniest meme I’ve seen tonight. #ImDONE! #SOTU pic.twitter.com/cKhfFmzt2K
— justJolie (@JolieRancher) January 21, 2015
#JohnBoehnerLooksLike A Oompa Loompa.. #SOTU2015 pic.twitter.com/WLSaE5bVUD
— John Sengbusch (@JohnSengbusch) January 21, 2015
The Old School Hair memes
Even the audience wasn’t safe from the Meme Machine. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz is probably regretting his unique hairdo now that Twitter has caught sight of him.
New #SOTU game: @ErnestMoniz or Beethoven? You decide. pic.twitter.com/alXnarCzkY
— Jess Ruzic (@ruzatar) January 21, 2015
The “I Won Both” memes Perhaps the most memorable moment of the speech was when President Obama stated the obvious. “I have no more campaigns to run. I know because I already won both of them.” The perfect moment to drop the mic and drop a hilarious meme.
Laugh now, cry later… #SOTU RT @HollywoodJuan: Obama Too Real: “I know because I won both of them.” *beat drops* https://t.co/P1UZ1l71T7
— Daryl Bjoraas (@dbjoraas) January 21, 2015
POTUS “I have no more campaigns to run.”(Applause from ‘Haters’)”I know, because I won both of them.”#nuffsaid #SOTU pic.twitter.com/iKKflK6tNB
— Pauline Barr (@im1badrn) January 21, 2015
What was your favorite moment from the State of the Union address?