On days that Anita Singleton couldn’t catch a ride to her job, she would get up at 4:30 a.m. and trek 9 miles in order to make it to work by 7 a.m.
All that changed after a chance encounter with a police officer during her walk on May 19.
According to Fox6Now, Officer Bradley Peck saw Singleton walking along a narrow bridge in Slidell, Louisiana, and offered her a ride to the nearest Walmart, where he assumed she was headed.
“She said Northshore Boulevard. I said ma’am, that’s a really long walk, jump in and I’ll give you a ride,” Peck wrote in a Facebook post describing the interaction. “We talked the whole way about life lessons, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and joked about other things. I learned that she is 52-years old and had as much energy as my two year old.”
“That brief moment of me getting to spend some time with her made my day so much better,” he added. “I don’t think she knows how much hope she gave me and valuable life lesson she taught me. Walmart Slidell – Northshore Blvd y’all seem to have a pretty solid employee.”
However, not only did Singleton’s work ethic impress Peck, it caught the attention of Matt Bowers’ Chevrolet dealership, who was inspired by the officer’s post and decided to gift Singleton a car.
The dealership gave Singleton a choice between two vehicles, paying for everything – including the insurance and the bills – that would come with it.
“I was momentarily speechless. This is an incredible blessing. I’m so very grateful for it. I really am,” Singleton told the news station.
“We just had a wonderful interaction with one another on that morning,” Singleton said of her chat with Peck.
Now Singleton will have a much easier to commute to work, although she still is inspiring to people like Peck.
“Work like Ms. Anita. I’m gonna work harder now. I feel like I’m slacking,” Peck said.