This is
Urban Pulse. This is a glimpse into the culture of our people. This is a pulse on our performing arts, our visual arts and our sound. Some of you may know me from my work in various films but before I ever stepped on screen I trained classically at North Carolina School of the Arts and Julliard University. I was exposed to fine arts in a way that captured my attention and since then I have developed a passion for exploring the world of fine arts through the eyes and talents of my people. African Americans have bragging rights to some of the most talented artists, musicians and actors in the world. I want this blog to be our conversation of those people, places and events. I want us to write about the Monterey Blues Fest the same way we will about the hottest acts at this year’s
ESSENCE Music Festival. I want this blog to help us realize that it does not take an art degree or a pedigree of blue-blood to recognize, appreciate and converse about a painting in a gallery. I want us to talk about why Haiti, the first nation of colored people to liberate themselves is worth saving. This blog is for those who are emerged in our culture and can swim deeply as much as it for those of us still treading lightly and ready to learn more. So now that you have a bit of background on me lets get Urban Pulse Flowing. What do think? Tell me what or who the Urban Pulse is in your city.
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