Supermodel Beverly Johnson will star in her first reality show focusing on her personal life, “Beverly’s Full House,” on OWN. The show will follow Johnson, along with her daughter Anansa Sims Patterson, son-in-law David Patterson, and their new baby Ava.
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Throughout the years, Johnson and her daughter have not always been on good terms. But in an attempt to patch things up, Anansa has agreed to move her family into Johnson’s home. We’ll watch while the two will try to mend their bond on camera.
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According to a press release by OWN, “Humorous and heartfelt, ‘Beverly’s Full House’ explores the unpredictable dynamic between mother, daughter and son-in-law. Throughout the season, Beverly tries with varying degrees of success to bond with her daughter and son-in-law. Despite sometimes overstepping her boundaries and at times having her intentions misunderstood, she loves her family and is determined to right past wrongs.”
The series premieres in February.
We can’t wait to watch!