Now that Beyoncé has emerged as the true winner of Super Bowl 50, her fans are still floating on a high.
For those wondering what it’s really like to be in the midst of Beyoncé’s powerful momentum, her backup dancer Ashley Everett shared some insight in a candid chat with Health.com.
“Obviously it’s amazing, otherwise I wouldn’t have stuck around for so long,” says Everett who has danced with Beyoncé for the last nine years. “She’s really an incredible person and an insane artist, plus her work ethic is out of this world. I just love learning from her and being inspired by her.”
Watching Bey work her magic behind-the-scenes has really shown Everett the level of dedication it takes to be one of the greatest. When asked about the biggest lesson she has ever learned from Beyoncé, she said: “To always continue to push myself. She’s never comfortable or like ‘I’m on top,’ she’s always trying to outdo herself. Like how she dropped a whole album with no promos and shot secret videos for every one of them, best believe she’s going to outdo that. I think that’s incredible and I just feel like if we all do that, we’ll all succeed somehow, some way.”
Read more of Everett’s interview here.