Earlier this week, we wrote about Tamika Cross, a doctor that was denied access to helping a patient on a Delta flight because of racial discrimation, she claimed.
Since then, Black female physicians all over the country have come together on social media to stand in solidarity with Cross with the powerful #WhataDoctorLooksLike hashtag.
With many tweeting directly at Delta airlines, their goal share and strike back at the discrimination they face daily.
“…in case you are having a difficult time breaking prejudices amongst your staff, here is #WhatADoctorLooksLike…” Dr. Kanene Ubesie tweeted.
#whataDoctorlookslike @Delta pic.twitter.com/R7Ikiubytx
— Dr Lisa (@Drlisaashe) October 13, 2016
Since @delta can't believe that black women can be physicians! 😡#WhatADoctorLooksLike #ILookLikeASurgeon #ImWithTamikaCross #PlasticSurgery pic.twitter.com/v4Jt66Kdch
— Dr. Aisha Baron (@BreastnBodyDoc) October 13, 2016
#whatadoctorlookslike pic.twitter.com/JGUpw5rObg
— Mia Ben (@dreadlocdoc) October 13, 2016
@DeltaAirlines FYI This IS what a doctor looks like!#WhataDoctorLooksLike#ImwithDrCrosshttps://t.co/YO7edxyTmw pic.twitter.com/WxigEF220v
— Dr Terri (@drterrimd) October 13, 2016
@Delta This is #whatadoctorlookslike #blackwomeninmedicine pic.twitter.com/EvK7uPlLmr
— Dawne Collier (@drdawneobgyn) October 13, 2016
Say @Delta , since some of your employees need a course on what a physician may look like, here are a few for you… #WhatADoctorLooksLike pic.twitter.com/zIvr6tLCMY
— Taara Sultaana (@TaaraSultaana) October 14, 2016
When they go low..we go high. Stereotypes can cost a life. Love from Germany #whatadoctorlookslike #internist #cardiology #TamikaCross pic.twitter.com/KvY1SYYNaE
— Dr. SEA Initiative (@i_drsea) October 14, 2016
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When the incident took place last week, Cross took to her frustration. Her post went viral, with responses from other black women sharing their own testimonies.
“I’m sure many of my fellow young, corporate America working women of color can all understand my frustration when I say I’m sick of being disrespected,” Cross wrote.