A Black woman stopped and launched Facebook Live after she noticed Royal Oak, Michigan, police officers questioning a young Black man for allegedly “looking suspiciously” at a white woman.
“He has been pulled over walking to go to eat for suspicion of being Black and looking at the Caucasian woman,” Kimiko Adolph said in the video showing the young man speaking to officers, at least two police vehicles pulled up. “They got him surrounded. So I’m not going to leave the brother out here.”
According to the Daily Dot, Adolph was on her way to a nearby CVS when she saw 20-year-old Devin Meyers being questioned, with officers refusing to let him go about his way. She decided to stop and film when she realized no one was with him.
“I have three Black sons, and he was by himself, surrounded for no reason,” she said. “Nobody was filming, and I knew I had to.”
At times it is hard to understand what is being said in the video by the other parties.
According to Adolph’s narration, the white woman called the police on Meyers because he “looked suspicious.”
“Do not be Black and stare,” Adolph quipped.
Meyers was apparently on his way to the Inn Season Cafe to meet his girlfriend when the incident occurred.
The manager of the cafe, Erin Frey, jumped in to defend him.
“I’m pretty sure if she would’ve done the same thing, you would’ve let her go 10 minutes ago,” Meyers said of Frey, who is also a white woman.
“She called because he is a Black guy,” Frey told officers in the video. “If that were me walking across the street and walking in, this would not be happening because I was looking at her while I was trying to park.”
“I think you’re inferring a lot,” one officer told Frey, before turning to Adolph, “and you probably are too, you’re inferring a hell of a lot.”
Meyers was finally allowed to go about his business after about 30 minutes of questioning.