@cthagod Bro, this is ignorant. You don't even have to look hard to find women like @docrocktex26 or @chescaleigh
— Dr. Mansa Keita (@rasmansa) December 7, 2016
Feeding the beast man.
@cthagod clearly never heard of @docrocktex26 or @ReignOfApril
— MK (@Neethz426) December 7, 2016
Subscribe to our daily newsletter for the latest in hair, beauty, style and celebrity news.@cthagod but there are plenty who do, but their wokeness is looked at as "anger, bitter, black twitter feminist".
— RedBottomKittenHeels (@NonOfYaBiznz) December 7, 2016
@cthagod Man to man, caping for a white supremacist won't get you the love you're looking for.
— Dr. Mansa Keita (@rasmansa) December 7, 2016
@cthagod Are you going to use your plageform to elevate us the way you elevated her?
— A Black Populist (@briebriejoy) December 7, 2016
@cthagod Donkey of the Day!
— Yolett McCuin (@CoachYoJU) December 7, 2016
Charlamagne recently caught heat after posing and looking chummy with alt-right (read white supremacist) fave Lahren, even receiving a few words from HOT 97’s Ebro and Peter Rosenberg. “You do not have to get on TV and Sambo like that bro,” said Ebro, while Rosenberg sent out a number of tweets. Hopefully, Charlamagne will do some research next time he thinks it’s a good idea to send out a tweet asking Black women to create a platform like Lahren’s. But if you’ve been following Charlamagne and are aware of the kind of person he is, then you know it’s probably not likely.@cthagod delete this nonsense
— shawndel⭐ (@stargirltinashe) December 7, 2016