- Beyonce is gearing up to potentially release a new song in the coming weeks. Music producer Los Da Mystro tweeted some very special news, “Listening to New B record Dream wrote…INSANE! WOW! She about to Kill the game again! Had to listen again!! Y’all C in 3 weeks!” We’re ready! [Monsters and Critics]
- “Undercovers” landed at an impressive 2nd place on Wednesday night, attracting 8.7 million viewers. Congratulations Boris and Gugu! We’ll be tuning in next week. [RBR]
- Oprah’s wealth has increased $400 million. She moved up 11 spots on Forbes’ list of 400 richest Americans. Winfrey sits very comfortably at number 130 with over $2.7 billion in her pocket. [Digtriad]
- Naomi Campbell is letting the cat out of the bag with her appearance at the Charles Taylor war crime trial. Here’s what she had to say: “What you need to understand — I wasn’t on trial — I was forced through a subpoena to testify. Nothing to do with me. This trial has been going on for how many years? No one cared to write about it. You bring Naomi Campbell to the stand, the whole world knows. So as far as I was concerned, I was used a scapegoat.” You be the judge. [Coco Perez]
- Katherine Jackson can’t make it on $26,000 a month. TMZ uncovered a judge’s order that would propose a “readjustment to family allowance for the benefit of Katherine Jackson.” Is $26,000 not enough? Really? Especially when you’re making money on the side. Could you live off of $26,000 a month and support a family? [TMZ]
- Chris Brown has released his lead single, “Yeah 3X” from his forthcoming album, “F.A.M.E.” It’s a dance track, let us know if you would jam-it or slam-it. [TGJ]
- Ladies, which fall jacket are you dying to have this season? Check out what The Frisky has suggests. [The Frisky]