Dine on a Dime: The 30-Dollar Date
Picture it: you have been going out with a young man for the past few
weeks and you've decided to take it to the next level. No, I am not
talking about s-e-x. I am referring to him visiting your house for a
home-cooked meal. This is a serious matter because you don't invite
people over just because. From your previous dates you've discovered
your potential mate has an affinity for fine wine, organic and
flavorful food, and rich, decadent desserts. But you are on a serious
budget — meaning your money is funny, and you're at a loss as to how to pull
off the perfect dinner date with a hitch. You want him to come back and
not run away. You could always fake it by purchasing and plating take-out, but that would not be fair to yourself or your date...