In the ongoing saga of Elmo puppeteer Kevin Clash, two additional young men have come forward with similar accusations. The new accusers’ names have yet to be released, but much like Cecil Singleton and Sheldon Stephens, all four of the men have come forward too late for their allegations to be prosecuted, according to state law, the New York Post reports.
Both Singleton and Stephens are 24 years old and missed the prosecution deadlines by a couple of months. Under state law, child sex-assault victims have from age 18 to age 23 to present their cases. Thereafter, prosecution is barred by a statute of limitations although officials could potentially still use their accounts for sentencing if there is a future prosecution.
Singleton has filed a $5million lawsuit against Clash but is now stating that he really just wants an apology from Clash and to ensure that he will not work around minors again. “That was his primary motivation in coming forward,” said Singleton’s lawyer, Jeff Herman. “To expose a truth, protect kids, and pave the way for other victims in this case and in general to come forward.”
Although Clash has resigned from Sesame Street, the Elmo puppeteer’s voice was still heard at this year’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. His work will also likely continue to be featured on the show as he has filmed episodes for the next two years.