Guess who won’t be twerking at the prom? Thirty three students at San Diego’s Scripps Ranch High School were suspended and banned from their prom and graduation after using school equipment to film a twerking video.
The Scripps Ranch Twerk Team (of course they have a name!) posted their video on Youtube last week to much fan fare. School officials obviously aren’t in on the twerking dance trend championed by the likes of Miley Cyrus, Andy Cohen and this lady “twerking by the juice” at WalMart because they responded by suspending the 33 students involved for violating the school’s sexual harrasment policy which does not tolerate any “verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature made by someone from or in the educational setting.”
The seniors among the twerkers have been banned from attending the prom and walking during graduation ceremonies, reports CNN. They will have to appeal the school board in order to attend their prom and graduation.
Twerking activists have responded by creating the #freethetwerkteam hashtag on Twitter while some parents argue that the punishment was too harsh. “I just think it’s not that big of a deal. It was just expression, maybe overly expressive I guess,” parent Mark Silverman told NBC San Diego.
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