School cafeteria food is no stranger to criticism but with new, seemingly better methods come new challenges.
A recent New York Times article explored the difficulties in school-nutrition when it comes to the federal overhaul of mandatory standards
for school meals.
Although fruits and vegetables are appearing on the menu alongside meals that are lower in fat, sodium and calories, children are opting out of the healthier options with much of the food winding up in the trash can.
Bertrand Weber, director of culinary and nutrition services at the Minneapolis Public Schools says, “Other than mandating more fruits and vegetables, the new regulations haven’t really changed anything except force manufacturers to re-engineer products so they meet the guidelines but not children’s taste expectations. Now kids get whole grain doughnuts — whoop-de-do.”
There is evidence that some school districts are getting the hang of the new regulations but there are still issues that schools when it comes to getting children to accept and eat foods that may be unfamiliar and/or unappealing.
Many feel that the answer lies in allowing children to get used to the changes while others feel the issues stem from an overall lack of understanding when it comes to nutrition and food intake.
When it comes to your children’s lunch are you trusting their schools to provide healthy lunch or are you taking matters into your own hands? Let us know!
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