A trip to the hair salon can be a frustrating experience for some women, and a welcomed ritual for others. In a 2012 article for Atlanta Black Star, salon owner Najah Aziz highlights the all too irritating side of getting your hair “did.”
“Your hair is in need of professional attention so you head to your favorite salon,” she writes. “You get there and you take a seat in the waiting area. And you wait. And wait. Finally, you’re taken to a shampoo bowl where you wait some more. Eventually, your hair gets washed and conditioned. And you wait–with a wet head. All the while listening to inane conversation not fit for public consumption.”
We’ve all been there; sitting in a waiting chair for hours, listening to gossip and annoying music, only to find out your stylist has over booked and can’t get to you for another three hours, or that she’s about to take her lunch break and you have to wait for a dryer to become available.
Aziz believes Black-owned salons have been failing Black women for decades. She says that we as a community need to demand better of our salon owners.
“Do not put up with the madness,” Aziz writes. “Accepting it only enables bad behavior. If there is no change, then find another salon.”
Does she have a point? What’s your biggest complaint about going to the hair salon? Take our poll and share your salon experiences in comments.
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