Earlier this month, as the gun-control debate intensified in Washington, ESSENCE launched a national campaign in support of President Obama’s initiatives to curb gun violence, which disproportionately impacts communities of color. As part of our “Guns Down” movement, many of you tweeted and posted to Instagram photos of yourselves holding ESSENCE’s letter of support to the President, while others shared your opinions about guns and society on our Facebook page.
Now, we want to continue the social conversation: On Monday, April 22, at 8 p.m. ET, stay tuned to @essencemag on Twitter as we chat with “Washington Watch” host Roland S. Martin (@rolandsmartin) and ESSENCE Acting Managing Editor Vanessa K. Bush (@Vanessa_KBush). We will be discussing what inspired Guns Down, how you can make a difference, and why, even in the wake of the Senate’s “shameful” vote last week, the battle is just beginning.
To participate, follow @essencemag and use the hashtag #ESSENCEGunsDown, or join here on Monday at 8pm E.T.