We’ve all seen the video of the little girl screaming in horror at the sight of the Easter bunny in her preschool classroom. But despite the laughs, the girl’s family didn’t think the viral video was funny.
When 2-year-old Surai’s grandmother Mary-Bryson-Robinson picked her up from a Florida daycare, the staff from “Around the World Learning Center” mentioned that Surai was afraid of the Easter bunny, but didn’t mention the video. In fact, the video hit the internet without the family’s knowledge.
“When we did see it, it already had gone everywhere. Any place you look on the internet, my granddaughter is there. I’m looking at just pure horror on her face, and I’m wondering, ‘How could that be on the internet for anything good? ‘” Bryson-Robinson said.
The video generated millions of views and was featured on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”

“My granddaughter looked petrified. Her face changed. It was not the same child that I dropped off that day.” What hurt Bryson-Robinson the most were the comments that people have been leaving about the video.
“People use it as a racial thing. You know, black people are ‘that’ way. For a 2-year-old, it is just agony to go through,” Bryson-Robinson said.
The daycare center claims it is investigating the matter.