Donald Trump on Wednesday paid a visit to a Flint, Michigan water treatment plant to deliver a speech, which was originally meant to address the water crises and thank those at the plant for their hard work.
But instead of focusing on the task at hand, the GOP presidential candidate tried to use the opportunity to bash his opponent, Hillary Clinton.
He didn’t get very far.
According to reports, Rev. Faith Green Timmons of Flint’s Bethel United Methodist Church, who goes by Pastor Faith, quickly approached Trump when his speech started to veer off topic.
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“Hillary failed on the economy,” Trump began, “just like she’s failed on foreign policy. Everything she touched didn’t work out. Nothing. Now, Hillary Clinton…”
That’s as far a Trump got before Pastor Faith shut him down.
“Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us for what we’ve done in Flint, not give a political speech,” she said.
Slightly flustered, Trump agreed to return to the topic of Flint. The Republican nominee hasn’t received the warmest welcome in Flint.
Republicans have pretty much ignored the water crisis in the town and upon Trump’s arrival at the water treatment plant, he was reportedly heckled. Even the mayor discouraged Trump from visiting the plant.
In an appearance on Fox and Friends Thursday morning, Trump criticized the pastor.
From ABC News:
“She was so nervous,” Trump said this morning on “Fox and Friends.” “She was a nervous mess, and so I figured something — I figured something was up, really.”
Something wasn’t up, according to Pastor Faith, who simply stated that she wanted to keep Trump on task.

“When he asked to come in to make a statement and the statement went beyond what was originally said, I asked him to stick to what was originally said,” Timmons said after the event.
You can watch the epic interruption here: