Ertel declined to comment on the photo.This is Michael Ertel, the newly appointed secretary of state of Florida, posing in blackface as a Hurricane Katrina victim at a private Halloween party. In case you’re wondering why we’re mad. pic.twitter.com/8dcFDsaj9s
— Reese Waters (@reesewaters) January 25, 2019
“There’s nothing I can say,” he said.
Because there’s really nothing to say. He submitted his resignation the same day he gave a presentation on election litigation before a House subcommittee, according to the Democrat.“I am submitting my resignation as Florida secretary of state effective immediately,” he wrote. “It has been an honor to serve you and the voters of Florida.”
“It’s unfortunate. I think he’s done a lot of good work,” DeSantis said of Ertel’s resignation. However, DeSantis noted he accepted the resignation because “I don’t want to get mired into kind of side controversies, and so I felt it was best to just accept the resignation and move on.”