Ahead of the Iowa Republican caucus, which former President Donald Trump ended up winning by a landslide, Trump received an endorsement from an unlikely party: a former Black Lives Matter (BLM) activist by the name of Mark Fisher.
Fisher went on a live interview with Fox News last November, stating “We’re not stupid.” He was even introduced on the show “as the co-founder of Black Lives Matter Rhode Island.” “We understand when someone’s for us and when someone is not and it’s obvious that the Democratic party is not for us,” he continued.
He continued in this vein, saying “A lot of people are misinformed…They don’t really understand because they don’t educate themselves on Donald Trump as a person and his history.”
“We’ve been used and abused for so long by that party, they don’t value our vote,” Fisher added. “Their policies are basically racist policies. I believe it’s a racist party. Donald Trump is just the opposite. He’s going to tell you how it is. He’s going to give it to you straight.”
On the show, Fisher elaborating saying he “loves the man,” that man being Trump. “How could you not like a real man?” Fisher asked. “How could you not relate to someone like that?”
Per Fisher, President Joe Biden has been a “deep disappointment.” “I feel like the tide is starting to turn,” stated Fisher. “I feel like a lot of Black people are starting to pivot off of that Democratic plantation. For so long, we’ve been slaves to that party. Actually, we’ve been mental slaves afraid to get off of that plantation.”
After learning about Fisher’s comments, Trump responded on social media. Trump referred to Fisher as a “great guy” and also said that he’s “very honored to have his and BLM’s support.”
Despite the fact that Fisher has been extremely vocal about his association with the BLM of Rhode Island organization, a spokesperson for the group told Newsweek that he is “no longer affiliated with BLM RI.” “His position with us was and is terminated,” the group added.
As the BLM of Rhode Island PAC website states, they work “tirelessly to support and elect young people, progressives, and people of color to state and local offices in Rhode Island. By building a diverse coalition of leaders in our communities, we can make positive change in the lives of Rhode Islanders.”
In a joint statement to CNN, Black Lives Matter and Black Lives Matter Rhode Island PAC said, “This is a publicity stunt…The right-wing continues to use and amplify fringe Black voices to create an idea of broad support for their corrupt candidates.”
Fisher’s viewpoints, though unpopular, are not extremely rare. A New York Times / Siena College poll shows that more Black voters are supporting Trump this time around, compared to 2020. “Black voters in Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are now registering 22% support for Trump, up from 8% in 2020.” This is especially troubling for Democrats considering these are battleground states.