“A teacher taught me this lesson and I’ve used this ever since in my life and career. I learned to listen to the silence and hear the rhythm in-between,” Rucker says.
“My ability to bring different characters to life is what has helped me advance in my career and I would say as far as looks are concerned, well, I suppose that would be the icing on the cake, but acting comes first and foremost,” Rucker says.
“Ms. Scott—Jill—and I are just very good friends, nothing more,” says Rucker on rumors of a relationship between him and his Why Did I Get Married? co-star Jill Scott.
“I thank God for the arts, which I can say saved me from the same fate because I traveled so far from my school, The Duke Ellington School of the Arts and spent nearly the entire day there,” Rucker says.
“I still play ball competitively because it helps keep me stay in shape,” Rucker says.
Lamman enjoyed athletics as well as the arts growing up.
Rucker knows his role as big brother means serious business.
A young Lamman shows off his killer smile.