Jill Scott’s Still Sort-Of Celibate
After revealing she planned to be celibate after breaking up with the father of her new baby, Jill Scott has reneged that promise, sort of. She says she plans to wait, just not quite as long.
“Now the minimum is until the fifth date,” says Jill. “The whole celibacy thing, you could throw that out the window. That’s over. But I don’t have physical intimacy until at least the fifth date. So I can get to know who I’m dealing with and they can get to know me. And with my schedule, five dates can take three or four months!
Sound likes a good plan to us. Hey, as long she’s happy with her decision that’s al that counts. (CelebrityBabyScoop.com)
Would You Break Up Like This?
There’s a viral letter that’s spreading like wildfire online today. It’s allegedly a breakup letter a guy sent to a woman he met online using the site OKCupid. They’d only gone on three dates and he decided to break up with her via the web using one of the rudest breakup letter we’ve ever seen. “I also seem to have a lot more energy than you. I think I work longer hours, party much more, go out more, sleep less and probably exercise more than you. Plus I’m older,” the jerk writes to this poor lady.” Luckily their identities haven’t been revealed and we hope for her sake they never are. (Gawker.com)
There’s A New Girl In Town on ‘Love & Hip Hop’
If you’re a fan of VH1’s hit show ‘Love & Hip Hop’ starring rapper girlfriends you’ll be interested to know that there’s a new girl joining the drama-filled cast.
New York rapper Juelz Santana’s model girlfriend Kimbella has signed on for the next season. She’ll join in on the weekly catfight fun between Somaya Reece, singer Olivia, Jim Jones’ longtime love Chrissy Lampkin, his mother Nancy Jones, and Emily Bustamente, Fabulous’ childrens’ mother. (TheBoomBox.com)
What the Heck is A Non-Monogamous Marriage?
Startled already? The writer of the piece “Why I Must Consider Non-Monogamy” on TheFrisky.com says she gets that a lot. After reading one too many terrible divorce statistics, she’s had it with the idea that monogamy is realistic and expected. Read her rant and tell us what you think. We’re thinking she might be overacting just a tad bit, no? (TheFrisky.com)