Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg is reprimanding his California employees for allegedly defacing “Black Lives Matter” notes written on the company’s signature wall.
In a private Facebook post, Zuckerberg said that someone had been crossing out the slogan and replacing it with “All Lives Matter.”
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“There are specific issues affecting the Black community in the United States, coming from a history of oppression and racism,” he wrote. “‘Black Lives Matter’ doesn’t mean other lives don’t—it’s simply asking that the Black community also achieves the justice they deserve.”
He said that the company, which is only two percent Black, has never had rules regarding would employees could post on the signature wall; however, he said that crossing out messages equated to silencing individuals’ voices.
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He said that the incident is under investigation and invited people to Facebook’s upcoming town hall meeting on race.
“I hope and encourage people to participate in the Black town hall on 3/4 to educate themselves about what the Black Lives Matter movement is about,” he said.