If you find yourself spending money faster than you receive it or barely being able to put cash into your savings account, it might seem practically impossible to save $100 in just one month. But what if we told you it was possible, and actually pretty simple? It’s just a matter of changing your daily habits. We’ll show you how to easily save a hundred dollar bill this month, and so forth!
Negotiate your bills—Are you spending too much on cable? Credit card bills piling up? Call your cable or Internet provider and ask if you can negotiate a lower rate for your loyalty, and ask to lower interest rates on your credit cards. Negotiating your bills can easily pocket you $100 or more each month.
Make it a Netflix night—Going to the movies with the entire family can certainly be a fun Saturday activity, but once you factor in the price of movie tickets and popcorn for everyone, you’ve certainly spent over $100 for just a couple of hours. Host a movie night at home instead—you’ll likely have just as much fun and you aren’t limited to just one movie!
Resist one impulse purchase—How many times have you walked past a store window, and bought a dress or pair of shoes a few minutes later? It’s happened to all of us. The next time you’re tempted to buy something just because, keep walking! Your wallet will thank you later.
Get your daily coffee for free (or less)—We understand that Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts is likely calling your name, but making your coffee at home or using your office’s Keurig instead can save you dough. If you avoid your local coffee shop all month long, you easily save almost $100.
Sell your old stuff—Have you ever considered selling your old clothes or electronics that you no longer use? eBay may be your new best friend! You can also try sites like Poshmark, The RealReal or local consignment stores for your designer items.
Host a girls’ night in—Going out with your girlfriends can certainly be fun but it can also be pricey! Consider inviting your friends over and have everyone bring a bottle of wine, and you make the appetizers and play host. It’s a win-win for your wallet—and theirs!