You’ve heard it all before. Your network is net worth. It’s important to take the time to put in real effort at cultivating your network. Your career will thank you for it. Check out the 5 best ways to network your way to success.
Research. If you don’t have many resources, don’t worry. You can develop them. The first step to doing this is research. Its’ importance is often overlooked. Research can literally make the difference between being in the know or not. To be successful, you must be in the know. Talk to peers, Google, search Eventbrite, use social media to find out about events and other resources.
Immerse yourself. Once you are armed with information, take a deep dive into your field. Attend as many networking events, seminars and workshops as possible. It’s important to be seen and make connections in any field.
Always have business cards on hand. Don’t be that person that is ill-prepared. Always have cards on hand at events so that you can keep in touch with those you meet.
Have your elevator pitch prepared. Don’t think of it as an aggressive sales tactic, think of it as an ice-breaker. Your elevator pitch is the perfect conversation starter. It gives a synopsis of who you are, what you do, and what your are interested in. When crafting your pitch, stick to the 4 C’s: clear (objectives), concise (30-60 secs max), confident (eye contact), conversation (add a fact or comment that will keep the conversation going).
Make the connection. There is no room to be shy in business. You may be afraid to approach someone you want to network with but the best thing to do is feel the fear and do it anyway. You’ll regret it if you don’t take the opportunity to make the connection.