Fatherhood isn’t one size fits all, especially when taking a look at where in the country the parenting is taking place.
Wallethub recently released a report that took a look at how geographic region affects the way working dads live, and there were some surprising findings.
Sitting atop the list of best states for working dads is the state of Massachusetts due to its economic and social viability aspects, child care assistance and healthcare services. New Mexico came in at the worst for it high poverty rates.

Often, deep analyses have delved into economic factors at play for mothers but of late, fathers are being taken into account as well.
“As work-and-home-life is less gendered than in previous decades, the issues for moms and dads are more similar than different,” said Susan Turgeson, Ed.D., CFCS – Associate Professor, Family & Consumer Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
“Balancing the hours spent at work with the hours spent with family continues to be challenging for both. With the costs associated with managing a household (e.g., mortgage/rent, repairs, utilities) rising, having an income that will provide for a family and create life satisfaction is one of the major issues faced. The stresses associated with financial hurdles take their toll on all aspects of family life which in turn can affect performance at work. Finding a family-responsive workplace is a concern. Dads want to be involved in the activities and care of their child(ren), The ability to utilize flextime, parental leave, and telecommuting to engage and reduce the burden on a partner is an issue.”