Black people are widely deficient of the nutrients they need to be healthy, namely vitamin D. One physician is aiming to change that. Dr. Greg Hall, a, Ohio-based clinician launched GNet Sequence, a brand multivitamin brand aimed at arming melanated people with what they need to lead healthier lives.
“I’ve spent most of my career discussing and complaining about health disparities; it was time to do something and addressing nutritional deficiencies seemed like a great place to start,” Dr. Hall said in a news release.
A practicing physician for over twenty-five years in Cleveland, Hall says he’s seen firsthand the racial disparities in healthcare and is now dedicated to changing the narrative of racial inequality in healthcare.
GNetX™ Sequence Multivitamins, a single-tablet daily healthcare supplement offers solutions for the unique health needs of African Americans due to the current lack of consideration to their need.
The “targeted nutrient” pills offers a boost of more vitamin D for Black and Latin X people because darker skin reduces the amount of vitamin D their bodies absorbs from the sun which can cause fatigue, sleeplessness, bone pain, depression, hair loss, muscle weakness, loss of appetite and immune system issues.
“Not all vitamins are created equal when considering race and ethnicity,” the new release said. “For example, getting too much of a vitamin, such as Vitamin K, may not be safe for the African American community. In contrast, Vitamin D is ideal in higher amounts for African Americans.”