Over the last several months, everyone has done a collective pivot. We have developed a new normal and begun the process of moving forward. So, if all of these shifts leave you feeling like you need a more personal pivot, this could be the right moment to make the transition into a new career.

Find Your Why. Make this moment, the one where you step into yourself more than ever. Living in this current climate has shown us that we can do anything, even the hard stuff, and not only survive but thrive. So, before taking the steps to make it happen, get clear on why you want to make this change—you don’t want to do the work, then end up not liking where you landed. Shayne Crockett, Associate Vice President of Nationwide Financial, says, “it takes self-awareness to make a career change and courage to make it happen.” Ask yourself why you want this, what about a new career would make your life better and what might the risks be. Finding this clarity will inspire your change!
Name the What. Now that you know your why, it’s time for the what. Maybe there is a secret passion you’ve always wanted to pursue, like baking, or you know what an incredible event planner you would be. This extra time at home may have given you a new purpose and perspective about your work. What does this new job look like, what is it NOT and most importantly, what is it called? Be very specific in identifying your end goal to achieve better, more targeted results. Picture yourself waking up for work, how do you feel, what is your new office like, maybe it’s not an office at all!
When to Do It. Following your passion is possible, but believing that everything will just fall into place may not be probable. You may find that you are better able to pivot into your dream job by leveraging the career capital you already have. Even if your new path is totally different from the one you are on now, you will discover similarities that will allow you to transfer some of your skills and utilize your current contacts for a successful transition. For example, if you want to transform from a personal assistant into a cupcake shop owner, you already possess some attributes of a small business owner, like staying cool under pressure, multi-tasking, and customer service—see, you are closer than you think!
How to Make It Happen. Join networking groups and go on informative interviews in your new field. By immersing yourself, you will gain valuable industry insight and make new connections. And the best part of doing this (besides solidifying your decision to pivot or not!) is that once you feel ready to make a move, you will have created a built-in support system that will be there to guide you through the process.
Take Time to Transition. Career transitions are exciting, but they can push you into feeling uncomfortable in your new space. “One of the best lessons I learned through my transition into an Executive Leadership role was to be comfortable with being uncomfortable,” says Shayne. “Lean into this feeling in order to reap the benefits of expanding your professional network and continue to grow your skills and capabilities while uncovering new ones.” If it’s a move you believe in, then it’s worth it, so stay focused on your end goal and don’t give up—you’ve got this!
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