Turns out that managing your supervisor can set you up major success.
Recent research published in Personnel Psychology suggest that taking responsibility for your tasks, as well your supervisor’s (within reason) can help pave a foundation for greater opportunities.
“Our conceptualization of ‘managing your boss’ recognizes that employees can feel empowered to take action to establish a good relationship and to make the relationship operate smoothly,” Ravi Gajendran, the lead researcher and a professor of global leadership and management at Florida International University’s College of Business, said in a statement as reported by HR Dive. “Employees can be proactive by making an effort to understand their manager’s priorities and style, adapting themselves so they are in sync with their boss.”
Researchers conducted four studies with 1,313 participants then matched sample of 200 employees and managers. Employees were then asked to rate behaviors and how they progressed in their roles.
“If the job is clearly specified — for example, travel expense management — and there isn’t much deviation, MYB may not be as valuable,” Gajendran said. “If it’s more creative, with changing dynamic proactive roles, the employee initiative matters more and so does the ability to craft the job to be in sync with the manager.”
Indeed suggests the best way to manage up is by first doing your job well, then familiarizing yourself with your boss’s work style and adapt.