Managing your finances can be frustrating, especially in an economic downturn. But new data is showing there’s an especially strong link between mental health and money now more than ever.
Stackin, a financial well-being app recently announced that its sign-ups spiked 49% and its subscriber count jumped by 30% in November. Why? Reality is setting in for more Americans and the truth is they need more help with money management than they thought.
“As we face higher rates of inflation, increases in the cost of living, and dangerously high reports of a decline in mental health, we felt it was necessary to work alongside a financial therapist, Megan Ford, Ph.D. to develop the Stackin framework. Since our launch, we have steadily grown our subscriber base and just last month had our largest increase by 30%.”
Widespread reports continue to reveal just how concerned Americans are over finances since the height of the pandemic. Worries about money took the spot as a key stressor in a December 2020 CreditWise survey. Results revealed that finances are the No. 1 cause of stress (73%) – being reported as a major cause of stress more often than politics (59%), work (49%) and family (46%).
There are ways to quell those fears, according to
“Bottling up your anxiety can make it worse,” Dr. Megan Ford, Stackin’ financial therapist advised. “Get out everything you’re stressing about onto paper and focus on one thing at a time. It helps to also talk about it with a friend, a therapist, or even a Facebook group.”