Start immediately. Right after meeting, they follow-up with key initiatives, resolutions and meeting notes. Do this not only to remove that to-do item from the list, but also because it shows the rest of the team that you are dependable and trustworthy.
Break up the task. How do you swallow an elephant? One bite at a time. This is a must for those of you who are constantly on deadline. As soon as the task is assigned, do something: write the outline, present a summary, create a to-do list. This will get you started in the right direction and it doesn’t allow the pressure of completing this humongous task to build up.
Map out a plan. Start with the end game in mind. Ask yourself: When is it due? When will I work on it? How often? For how long? Answering these questions will allow you to figure out what you need to do and when and how you will accomplish it. Another good point: Don’t create a plan you don’t intend to keep. It’s futile and an absolute waste of your time, effort and energy. If planning out the entire project is a bit too much for you, go back to doing one thing at a time and cross it off your list. The sense of accomplishment is amazing.
Enlist some help. As women, we tend to want to shoulder the weight of the world. That’s counterproductive. I know that for sure. Before going to the boss whining about how you’re doing everything, figure out how much help you need, for how long and the cost. Then present that proposal to the higher-ups. They will respect your candor and the strategic thinking. Good luck!