Hundreds of men took to the streets in South Africa Saturday to protest the violence against women that plagues country. The goal of the #NotInMyName march: to show South African women that men can be allies despite the continued rise of gender-based violence.
“We men are taking a stand today. Women must know that they can count on us are taking a stand today. Women must know that they can count on us,” said co-organizer Kholofelo Masha to the marchers. The southern african nation has one of the world’s highest rates of gender-based violence, and the march was a response to a recent spike in rapes.
The demonstration, which went through the streets of Pretoria, was led by a barefoot woman dressed entirely in white. She represented all women that have been in abusive relationships or violent situations with men, organizers explained.
“The killings can’t continue and the rapes can’t continue,” said co-organizer Obakeng Motshabi.
The campaign took on life on social media. where thousands of South Africans spoke out against the problem using the #notinmyname hashtag.